5. Evan's Dan Essay: Review of Self: How sword training has changed my life.
For as long as I can remember, I have always had a great appreciation for the sword. From being a child swinging around cardboard tubes...

4. Martial Arts - Wisdom
Here are some of my favorite quotes related to Martial Arts: ~ When training budo, it's important to challenge both the body with...

3. You will always have your Sword!
A number of years ago when my journey began in Siljun Dobup “Real Sword Training”, a wise man told me…. “No matter what goes on in your...

2. Acceptance the intent of Set Soo (Water) in Siljun Dobup
The intent of Set Soo (Water) is acceptance of all things internal and external; similar to riding a wave in the ocean and ultimately the wa

1. The intent of Set Ji (Earth) in Siljun Dobup
The intent of Set Ji (Earth) in Siljun Dobup